The Author Spotlight will focus on a different author every few weeks – it may feature an experienced writer who has a long history of published books, or a new author who is destined to be a future star. Today our Author Spotlight will be on Kristian F. Power. You can keep in touch with Kristian at the links following the interview!
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Author Spotlight: Kristian F. Power
First off, I want to thank Kristian for taking the time to answer these questions for me. Please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comment section below!
What is the title of your newest or upcoming book?
First Love
What publisher is this book being published by?
Dreamspinner Press
What is the publication date?
First Love by Kristian F. Power
Purchase links: Amazon / Dreamspinner
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Kristian F. Power lives north of Copenhagen, Denmark – a fine location for walking in the forests and along the lakeshores. Kris is passionate about writing and, although Danish, Kris thinks and writes and expresses himself best in English, a reality he cannot quite explain. Next to writing, Kris’ major interests are traveling, computers and exploring the virtual realities developing and growing on the internet. Kris is a bit of a loner and a dreamer and not terribly efficient on the social media, but he tries. Among the virtual realities on the internet, it’s especially Second Life that captures Kris’ imagination; to live a second life through avatars* in a complex and immersive three-dimensional world; to interact with friends from all over the world; to build and to create… a new media, a reality revolution. For the first time in history you can live two lives. In SecondLife you can create almost anything – as long as you can imagine it! That’s why so many artists live partially in Second Life – painters, sculptors, film-makers, architects, authors, musicians, photographers and many more. Visit Kristien’s and Tak’s, farm, Rotnaros. Check the landscape and fortifications, the Verr, the swans, the ducks. And there are secret tunnels to find and explore! Visit Kristian’s and Tak’s Café & Vine Bar at Best Deals Market, and have coffee and a cake, or a glass of wine – maybe beer and a steak. The café is under a bubble, a force-field of eternal summer… nice. If you are curious about Kristian’s creations, check them out on Second Life Marketplace where they are sold by Jeep Tenk, another avatar of Kristian’s. * Kristian’s primary avatar in Second Life is named Nemo Euler. (This might have to be modified, but I forward all of the bio for your consideration)
Can you give the readers a brief summary of your latest book?
Growing up, Krister Foss had a hazy awareness of being gay. Now a conscript in the same army garrison with Jens Petri, Krister has fallen head over heels in love – the first true love for both he and Petri. Having nowhere to express their feelings, they turn an old abandoned smokehouse into their secret love-nest. After Jens has an accident, Krister finagles a false day-pass to visit his lover in the hospital. He’s found out, though, and accused of insubordination. The lives of the two young soldiers develop rapidly in unexpected and dramatic ways. Bonded by life-changing events, friendship blossoms among a group of young people, one of them the King’s nephew.
What genre does it fall in?
I don’t really know how to label the book. It takes place in the 1970s, that, in my book doesn’t make it historical. It fits the genres: Young Adult, Romantic Suspense and Coming Out.
Will you share a few words about your latest book, other than the usual blurb?
Like Krister – the main character – Jens is somewhat introvert, and to a large extent the two boys live a common existence of their own making, away from the reality of army and garrison. Jens is in many ways fearless and with strong ethic convictions. Part of the reason for Jens’ self-imposed isolation is his borderline OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Nevertheless he is is well liked and respected in his dorm. As Kris says somewhere in the story: “Everybody loves Jens.” When the army is finished with him, Jens will go to university and study cultural history and literature.
Give us a little insight into your main characters! Who are they?
Krister Foss: 20 years old. April 29. Green eyes. 6 foot 1, slim, tall, defined – around 72-75 Kg. Caucasian. Doesn’t tan easily. In appearance Krister is tall and lanky with a dash of sexiness and an attractive face. Kris is somewhat introvert, a bit of a loner, and to a large extent he and Jens live a common existence of their own creation, away from the reality of the army and garrison, of being conscripted. Kris is fascinated by electronics and all things technical. He’s honest, bright and a bit of a daredevil, but also a romantic and fiercely faithful to friends and loved ones. Kris is crazy in love with Jens. The feelings are luckily reciprocated. After the army, Kris will enroll in technical university to become an electronics engineer.
Will we be seeing these characters again any time soon? Is this book part of a series?
First Love is the first book in the series Currents of Love
Tell us a little bit about your writing style. When and where is your favorite time/place to write?
My favourite place to write is either in Spain, Sitges, a small coastal town near Barcelona; or at home in the recliner with with my little Mac Air, light as a feather, in my lap. I write at any hour – when I have the time or lighting strikes.
What sort of book do you enjoy reading in your free time? What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
My latest read was Deceiver by C.J. Cherryh, part of the Foreigner series. I liked the book very much. I’m a fan of Cherryh’s writing.
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? Have you held any interesting jobs while you worked on your books?
I’ve always liked the written word in all it’s forms; but, apart from technical writing, I never seriously wrote fiction until around six years ago when lightning struck and I went into a writing frenzy. It has been like that ever since…
What does your writing process look like?
I’m not a disciplined writer, writing at fixed hour every day – I simply cannot do that. Mostly I write daily, when it fits into my schedule; but there are dry spells where I have to leave my current work alone for some days, even weeks, to return with “fresh eyes” and an open mind.
Why did you choose to write GLBTQ romance? Why not another genre?
I’m a gay man myself, and it felt natural and right to dip into that source. Also, I like to read gay themed books myself, to get absorbed in a storyline I can truly identify with. I’m a sucker for romance and happy endings as well.
One last questions…totally unrelated to books! I am a passionate foodie. Is there one thing in your pantry that you would be horrified for people to know that you eat?
Mmm, not really… well, maybe that I eat smoked salmon on rye with my coffee almost every morning *grins*
Thankyou so much for answering my questions. I think my readers will enjoy learning more about you! Good luck in your future writing!
Find out more about Kristian by visiting the author’s website. You can also check out their profile on Goodreads or follow on Facebook .
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