The Author Spotlight will focus on a different author every few weeks – it may feature an experienced writer who has a long history of published books, or a new author who is destined to be a future star. Today our Author Spotlight will be on Penny Hudson. You can keep in touch with Penny at the links following the interview!
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Author Spotlight: Penny Hudson
First off, I want to thank Penny for taking the time to answer these questions for me. Please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comment section below!
What is the title of your newest or upcoming book?
Finding Figaro
What publisher is this book being published by?
Dreamspinner Press
What is the publication date?
Finding Figaro by Penny Hudson
Purchase links: Amazon / Dreamspinner
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Penny Hudson lives in the Pacific NW with her husband, ancient dog, and a pair of scheming cats who are nearly always doing something they shouldn’t. Since they’re called Basement Cat and his Minion, it’s probably to be expected. When she’s not writing, she occupies herself playing with fire and home brewing delicious beers and ciders. Stouts, porters, and barley wines have been particularly successful favorites, but the cider experiments remain inconclusive. The “fire” is contained in a forge next to her anvil. She deals with stress—usually brought on by characters being difficult or wort refusing to ferment—by beating on steel. She makes bottle openers and hoof picks, along with assorted other smaller projects as a hobby. Yes, she’s even made knives, and no, she has no desire to ever beat out a giant Merlin-sword. The blacksmithing is a holdover from her years as a farrier and the home brewing is just because… it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Can you give the readers a brief summary of your latest book?
Aspiring author Jasper decides it’s a good idea to treat a major publisher’s gala like his private pitch event, but the only attention he attracts is from sexy bestselling author Isaac Wright. Isaac is far more interested in his pretty face than his manuscript, but Jasper kisses up to him anyway. The attraction is mutual, until Jasper reads one of Isaac’s books—a political thriller—and hates it. He decides he can’t date someone if he detests their work—a pretentious attitude partially influenced by his snotty critique group—so he decides to turn his attention to his closet obsession: Figaro Powers, a romance writer. Although Jasper will never admit to reading romance, knowing Figaro was at the gala as well and Jasper missed seeing him, makes the obsession even bigger. Isaac doesn’t give up on Jasper, though and offers to help him edit his manuscript. A pregnant sister and a stuck-up ex-boyfriend thwart their efforts, but it’s only when Miles, Jasper’s housemate, forces the issue that Jasper confesses to Isaac that he hates his book, and breaks Isaac’s heart. Despite this, Isaac sticks up for Jasper, and Jasper needs to reconsider whether the kind of books you read and write really says everything about the kind of person you are.
What genre does it fall in?
Contemporary Romance
Will you share a few words about your latest book, other than the usual blurb?
Finding Figaro is a sweet, slow-build romance. It takes a little time and some harsh life lessons before Jasper wake up enough to realize what a good thing he’s got in Isaac.
Give us a little insight into your main characters! Who are they?
Jasper is just a young man who thinks he knows what he wants. But he doesn’t know himself well enough to really admit what he thinks he wants and what he really wants are two different things. Issac’s been burned before by guys latching onto his pseudo-fame of being a successful author. But Issac really likes Jasper…
Will we be seeing these characters again any time soon? Is this book part of a series?
Tell us a little bit about your writing style. When and where is your favorite time/place to write?
Midmorning, with a cup of coffee and music blaring for motivation!
What sort of book do you enjoy reading in your free time? What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
The last book I read was the Magician Land series and it AMAZING. It’s about some kids in magic college, but it’s not Harry Potter.
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? Have you held any interesting jobs while you worked on your books?
Yes and I don’t know about ‘interesting’. I was a farrier for a while, that was unusual. And I worked in a winery for a few months. It’s less glamorous than the movies led me to believe!
What does your writing process look like?
Extensive lists and then more lists, and then a one-sentence summery of every major scene on note cards so I can jumble them around, then extensive procrastination before I finally sit myself down to Do the Thing and write.
Why did you choose to write GLBTQ romance? Why not another genre?
I never really sat down and decided I was going to write a GLBTQ romance. It just sort of happened. The story I wanted to tell was about two men falling in love, and I never considered genderflipping either of them to make it mainstream. The story is what it is, and it is a gay romance.
One last questions…totally unrelated to books! I am a passionate foodie. Is there one thing in your pantry that you would be horrified for people to know that you eat?
I don’t know about horrified…but I do have a passionate love affair with candied jalapenos! I put them on absolutely everything.
Thankyou so much for answering my questions. I think my readers will enjoy learning more about you! Good luck in your future writing!
Find out more about Penny by visiting the author’s website. You can also check out their profile on Goodreads or follow on Facebook or Twitter.
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