Today on the blog I am hosting Kate Lowell, author of Nuts About You, a short but sweet squirrel shifter romance. Scroll down for more about the author, my review of Nuts About You and a giveaway as well!
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Nuts About You by Kate Lowell
Author Name: Kate Lowell
Book Name: Nuts About You
Series: Nutty Romances
Book: One
Book can be read as a standalone
Pages or Words: 11,500 words
Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Paranormal (Shifters: Squirrel), Romance, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Kate Lowell
Cover Artist: Ana J. Phoenix
Nathan’s been crushing on one of his regular Bulk Mart customers for a while now. In his squirrel form, he sits on Vince’s bird feeders, munching on seeds and enjoying the eye candy. Until the day Vince catches him raiding the feeder…
My Review:
Nuts About You by Kate Lowell was a seriously cute and slightly nutty little romance. Nathan is a squirrel shifter who has been crushing on one of his Bulk Mart customers for several months. Vince comes into the Bulk Mart to buy seed for his bird feeders. There is a persistent and slightly fluffy squirrel who keeps steeling the seed he puts in there. Nate can’t help hanging out at Vince’s feeders, though…not when the scenery is so spectacular. Vince decides to take action against this little seed thief but little does he know that his life is about to change forever!
Nate is adorable, even in human form. A little ‘fluffier’ than he might like due to his love of seeds and nuts. He is a tad bit shy and definitely doesn’t think he has a chance with Vince. I loved how similar his human self was to his squirrel self. Slightly excitable and a sucker for anything nutty.
You don’t really get to know Vince very well which kind of bummed me out. I got the impression of tall, dark and sexy with an air of mystery but a generally nice guy. He was shocked to discover Nate’s secret but handled it well. He handled Nate very well, too, and they definitely had a nice chemistry between them.
The author did a great job of introducing the characters and developing a story line with a touch of humor and plenty of chemistry. It’s a short story so you don’t get a hugely in-depth story line but I was impressed with what she accomplished in such a short time. Overall, Nuts About You by Kate Lowell is a very cute shifter story with a happily ever after.
The best part was coming next. Nathan took an absentminded bite of the sunflower seed in his paw and hung a little further out from the feeder to get a better view. Because now, the body wash was coming out. Vince’s hand stretched past Nathan’s field of vision, returning with what looked like the Natural Sea Sponge Vince had bought at Bulk Mart a month ago. He flicked open the cap on the almond-scented body wash and spread it on the sponge. Though Nathan couldn’t smell it through the window, he knew that scent. It drove him wild—he stopped to sniff it every time he walked down the aisle, and he even had a bottle on his bedside table. Not to use, just to smell every night as he lay in bed, wishing it was Vince’s hand on him instead of his own.
There it went, the sponge traveling over all the places where Nathan would like to run his tongue. Vince started on his neck, smooth up and down movements covering his skin with a rich lather. The bubbles slid down his body, clinging in a way that made Nathan irrationally jealous of them. The sponge followed the bubbles down, making circles over the sleek chest, then crisscrossing back and forth over the flat stomach and past his bellybutton, with its narrow trail of hair leading down to—OH MY WALNUTS!
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All Romance
Meet the author:
Kate Lowell lives on the east coast of Canada, in an old farm house that has way more personality than it has any right to. During the winter, she spends her time dreading snow, cursing at snow, shoveling snow, and scheming ways to shove it down the kids’ necks. During the summer, she prays not to have snow. 🙂
Kate likes to play in ALL the sandboxes. While her main genres are paranormal and contemporary suspense, she is also interested in science fiction, fantasy and–weirdly–romantic comedy. She’s willing to pay large amounts of money to anyone who can come up with plot-bunny repellent, which she will first use on herself, then sell to LA Witt for an exorbitant price to recoup her costs.
You can contact her at katelowellbooks (at) . If you think you’d like to try writing gay romance, come visit her critique group (Link can be found at New members are always welcome.
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Hmm, well, I live in Canada, on the east coast, where shoveling snow and cursing snow and preparing for the next storm are our winter hobbies. I like video gaming–particularly first person shooters–and I hate housework. i have two stepsons and one daughter, who is definitely NOT getting a snake. Ever. Until she has her own apartment. Which I will then never visit. I like to write in all sorts of genres, but my favorites are speculative fiction and contemporary suspense. Loads of fun there. 🙂
Can you give the readers a brief summary of your latest book?
Nathan the were-squirrel has been yearning for one of his regular Bulk Mart customers for months. When he’s not working, he likes to sit in Vince’s feeders and peek in Vince’s windows. But all that changes the day Vince catches him spying…
What genre does it fall in?
paranormal romantic comedy
Will you share a few words about your latest book, other than the usual blurb?
This story came out of a call by a publisher, asking for unusual shifters. And I have a really strange sense of humor. Thus was Nathan the silly weresquirrel and his lust interest born. Nathan essentially built his world himself, then flicked his tail in squirrelly disdain at me and dropped it in my lap. And he’s been so much fun that there’s two more books planned for him and Vince, and a spin-off with the red panda twins that you’ll meet in Rise of the Alpha Squirrel.
Give us a little insight into your main characters! Who are they?
Squirrels are prey animals, so they’re kind of nervous. Nathan is one of those people that likes a quiet life, because otherwise his predator reaction gets away from him. And, growing up in a family nuttier than a box full of Snickers bars, he really really just wants to be normal. Vince, who is tall, dark, and looks like you should be calling him ‘my lord’, is just a normal guy, who saw someone cute and spent months trying to work himself up to ask Mr. Cute out. Nuts About You is the story of how they each found out about each other’s amorous intentions.
Will we be seeing these characters again any time soon? Is this book part of a series?
Yes, definitely. Nuts About You is Book One of the Nutty Romances. Rise of the Alpha Squirrel, which continues their story, comes out in February (if all goes well), and then The Wall Nuts will cap the trilogy with a visit to Nathan’s family. Red Panda Rhinovirus is a spin-off novel.
Tell us a little bit about your writing style. When and where is your favorite time/place to write?
I have an office in my house, so I do a lot of my writing there. But I do like to get away–preferably somewhere without internet–because I find the change of venue helps shake loose stuck bits of my brain.
What sort of book do you enjoy reading in your free time? What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
The last book I read was Fortune’s Queen by Rachel Bach, which is the last book of a trilogy. I really enjoyed it, most of all because the main character really only happened to be a woman. It wasn’t at all important to the plot that she was female, and the decisions she made throughout the book would have worked just as well if the main character was male. I recommend this series to someone who really wants to see how to write something without gendering your story.
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? Have you held any interesting jobs while you worked on your books?
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but was told it wasn’t a good choice because they were all poor and did I want to live like that? (And boy, do I ever regret the lost years of practice and learning.) In between then and now I’ve been a dairy herdsman, a horse trainer, a paramedic, a science teacher, a french teacher, a cashier, a tour guide, and a bunch of other things I don’t really remember.
What does your writing process look like?
Mostly flailing of arms and wailing. *grins* No, it’s more organized than that. I’m trying to get into the habit/skillset of plotting, because I want to avoid the flailing, etc. I do tend to jump back and forth in the story a lot, and even my outlines change constantly as I figure things out, or get better ideas.
Why did you choose to write GLBTQ romance? Why not another genre?
I like that i can play with the power dynamic, and it’s okay. And I think there’s a lot of room for characters that don’t fit the mold. Since I have frequently been described as ‘outside the box’, this suits me very well.
One last questions…totally unrelated to books! I am a passionate foodie. Is there one thing in your pantry that you would be horrified for people to know that you eat?
Mr. Noodles *hangs head*
Thankyou so much for answering my questions. I think my readers will enjoy learning more about you! Good luck in your future writing!
Where to find the author:
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Tour Dates & Stops:
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